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The Feeling


The Feeling

When my day starts there is a feeling of emptiness because you are nowhere to be found. I wander through my day working, smiling, laughing, and staying busy. This helps distract me from the fact you are not with me.

I walk out side to take a break. There the warm wind brushes my face and I think of you. The birds sing and I think of you. A couple walks by and I think of you. It is hard to enjoy the beauty around me when you are far away.

I return to work for that can take my mind off of you for a while. But as things calm down again my thoughts are directed to you. I can almost feel you behind me as I work. Your hands on my shoulders, touching me gently. Your breath cooling my neck. Your gentle sent filling my office. Yet I know this is all in my head.

My feelings for you are taking over my life. It is a warm wonderful feeling that brings you close even when you are so far away. A love I have not held in my heart in a long time. I had thought that this feeling would never come again. But when you entered my life a spark light a small fire in my soul. This fire grew as we became close friends. Then one magical night with a simple conversation and a magical kill this small fire exploded into a raging storm of emotion.

Now not a day, hour, minute, or even a second can go by without a thought of you haunting me. My only true relief from your image and memory comes when we are together. The time goes by so quickly when you are at my side or behind me as we ride down the open road. And even the angels in heaven look down on us with envy for the love we share. Yet this is only a temporary fix. Eventually our time together comes to an end and we must return to our regular lives. Some day this may change.

Know that in my heart we are always together. We live a life of joy and bliss all day. With each beat of my heart the words "love you" are called out. With each breath I take I feel you filling me with joy and hope for what will be.

I hope you know how much I love you.


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